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Project Initiation »

Project Introduction :

The purpose of Project Initiation is to evaluate proposed projects and to reach a consensus on the projects to be selected. During Project Initiation, the Project Charter is presented, and the strength of a project’s Business Case and the viability of the proposed solution are evaluated. A determination is made as to whether the project is consistent with the institution’s business and/or strategic plan, and if the Project Planning (High Level) budget is affordable.

Technology »

Why we need it:

For many people, the internet, mobiles, social networking and other new technologies are shaping their daily lives. You and your students are no doubt enjoying positive experiences online and on your mobiles and we're sure you want it to stay that way. The first step? You need to get under the skin of the technology.

Project Planning »

Description :

Enables the reader to quickly learn how to graphically illustrate all project tasks and their interrelationships, and to analyze the schedule and circumvent potential problems. Illustrates each concept with an actual example to graphically illustrate all project tasks and their relationships. Shows how to examine a schedule and circumvent potential problems. Eliminates mathematical expressions and technical examples, allowing readers to acquire the skills to effectively plan and manage any project.

material »

Classification of Materials:

Like many other things, materials are classified in groups, so that our brain can handle the complexity. One could classify them according to structure, or properties, or use. The one that we will use is according to the way the atoms are bound together: 1. Metals 2. Semiconductors. 3. Ceramics 4. Polymers 5. Other categories are not based on bonding.


  • To become the preferred products and services provider offering integrated outstanding contracting solutions. .

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  • To offer our clients innovative solutions to their tasks and requirements focusing on time, quality and value.

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  • Major values are deeply embedded in our identity as a company and in our personality as individuals.




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